Have you ever wondered how to optimize your ecommerce product listings? This blog post will explain how to turn your product listings into money makers.
Most consumers begin at Google, not by going to a specific website. Product listing ads are a great way to capture those search-engine shoppers.
So what is Panda 4.0 and what does it mean for your dealership’s ecommerce site? This article will explain the consequences of the latest algorithm update, and how your dealership can avoid inadvertently incurring Google’s wrath.
One of the questions we have been asked more frequently is “How often do we need to update or refresh our website content?” The short answer, “As frequently as you can,” seems less than satisfying, but it’s true.
As we describe on our Website Text page, search engine optimization is a continual process. Both viewers and search engines are attracted to new content—and they expect it—so it’s imperative to add and change content regularly: weekly for sure, even daily if your content is date-sensitive.