Working with parts behind the counter can be a whirlwind. It is a busy, in-demand department with a variety of responsibilities to take care of. When your dealership decides to sell online, the demands of the job just got that much more complicated.
Would you buy something online if you saw no reviews on it? Probably not, right? In ecommerce, potential customers want to know what others have to say about a product or service before making a purchase decision.
So what is Panda 4.0 and what does it mean for your dealership’s ecommerce site? This article will explain the consequences of the latest algorithm update, and how your dealership can avoid inadvertently incurring Google’s wrath.
Unlike bricks-and-mortar stores, ecommerce businesses like yours face a particular challenge in closing the sale: Your customers can’t hold and feel the products they’re shopping for. Instead, you have to create a compelling shopping experience with words, images and a snappy product page. Design your product page to flow smoothly, answer your customers’ questions before they ask, and keep them moving towards conversion.
The effectiveness of your marketing strategy depends largely on the use of buyer personas, but your company may not be using them effectively – if at all. Connect with your customers better by using buyer personas and improve your online marketing strategy.
It’s clear that customer-generated product reviews enhance SEO, foster trust, and drive conversion. Authentic reviews written by customers help drive SEO by giving you unique, fresh content for your site, and they tend to be written the way your customers speak and the way they search.
You’ve spent a lot of time, effort and marketing money to attract shoppers to your website. Don’t throw it all away with a clumsy checkout process. Minimize shopping cart abandonment and maximize conversions with these simple tips for improving checkout.